TLC Pathways | Workshops, Seminars, and Consulting

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Expect the Unexpected

Letting Go and Embracing What May Arise

The new decade brings new opportunities. We move forward in looking back; learn from our experiences and welcome fresh understandings. 

Fresh life comes from compost. I witness this regularly with our small, yet  productive worm bin that provides worm tea and nutritious soil for our garden.

Are you at the helm of a rowboat or a canoe? In a rowboat you look back to move forward, however, in a canoe, you look forward as your row.

Keep the treasures of traditions and release the baggage of problematic patterns.

Whichever metaphor of the new and old appeals to you, this is a great time of year to reflect on which parts of your past benefits your potential for a favorable future and which parts to let go and which to embrace …

Contact me: to set up a workshop.

Connect with Facebook: @tlcpathways

Instagram: maryse_tlcpathways or LinkedIn: Maryse L Postlewaite