Expect the Unexpected
Let Go and Embrace What May Arise
Are you at the helm of a rowboat or a canoe? Do you look back to move forward as in a rowboat or do you look forward as you paddle in a canoe?
We can move forward in looking back; learn from our experiences and welcome fresh understandings.
Fresh life comes from compost. I witness this regularly with our small, yet productive worm bin that provides “worm tea” and nutritious soil for our garden.
Keep the treasures of traditions and release the baggage of problematic patterns.
Whichever metaphor of the new and old appeals to you, reflect on which parts of your past benefits your potential for a favorable future and which parts to let go of and which to embrace …
Contact me: pathways2tlc@gmail.com for more about perspective shifts.
Connect with Facebook: @tlcpathways
Instagram: maryse_tlcpathways or LinkedIn: Maryse L Postlewaite