Character Education, Growth Mindset Maryse L Postlewaite Character Education, Growth Mindset Maryse L Postlewaite

Empathy Cultivates Understanding

Can we walk in the shoes of others? How can we become more empathetic? What are the benefits of doing so?

Research indicates the favorable benefits of being empathetic, reshaping our neural circuitry and altering how we interrelate with others for the positive.

Consider these findings: The research team headed by Tania Singer said, “When assessing the world around us and our fellow humans, we use ourselves as a yardstick and tend to project our own emotional state onto others.”


Moods can also affect the neural source of empathy. If we boost our positive perspectives, we more easily show empathy. Due to the neuroplasticity of our brains, we can make choices that allow us to transform our mindset.

Taking a multi-pronged approach to having a more positive outlook is best. That’s why shoes come in different sizes! Here are some ideas you could try.

***Spend time in Nature  ***Volunteer  ***Meditate ***Express Gratitudes ***Perform Acts of Kindness ***Practice Mindfulness ***Do something Creative

You’ve heard the expression, “You can’t understand someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” Reaching a richer understanding of another’s perspective improves our relationships.

Here’s some history: Although the word “empathy” has its roots from the Greeks, its use is fairly new to the public, just a little over 60 years. Surprising and possibly telling:

In 1955, Reader’s Digest defined the term, which was new to the public outside of academia, as the “ability to appreciate the other person’s feelings without yourself becoming so emotionally involved that your judgment is affected.”

Research indicates that showing empathy is also a key ingredient of successful relationships because it helps us understand the perspectives, needs, and intentions of others.

For information to promote empathy and nurture more compassionate relationships for the rest of your life, send an email:

Connect with Facebook: @tlcpathways

Instagram: maryse_tlcpathways or LinkedIn: Maryse L Postlewaite

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Value of Reminders

A Prompt Helps us to Remember

Do you know where the idea to tie a string on your finger to help you remember something originated? In Greek mythology, Ariadne gave Theseus the thread with which he found his way out of the Minotaur’s labyrinth. In times gone by, gentlemen would tie a knot in their handkerchief to remind themselves of something important. 

Eternity Knot Bracelets.

Eternity Knot Bracelets.


Science indicates that as animals, we are wired as “out of sight, out of mind” beings. The string is a prompt. Rings, bracelets, even rocks can be prompts. Choose a prompt which works for you. Consider a habit you’d like to change and let your prompt be your reminder. I’ve worn an eternity knot bracelet to help me be a better listener. I’ve distributed “gratitude rocks” to remind us to think of for what we are grateful each and every day. Research indicates that expressing thanks rewires our brains and produces extraordinary health benefits!

Contact me to set up a workshop and I’ll incorporate this activity in the customized, interactive workshop for your group. Send an email:

Connect with Facebook: @tlcpathways

Instagram: maryse_tlcpathways or LinkedIn: Maryse L Postlewaite

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