Is There a Right Way?

Is There a Right Way?

With 3 brothers and a sister, you can imagine that my dad experienced arguments with his siblings. However as adults this changed. A simple phrase seemed to level the playing field. One of my uncles stated in the midst of a heated discussion, “Ça dépend du point de vue.” (Whether you know French or not, you probably got it…It depends on the point of view.) The argument ended.

This struck me as I’ve expanded my perspectives. I used to think that everyone thought like me…what? No, they don’t. Obvious, right. Well, not necessarily as in my case. 

The bottom line is that our experiences influence our perspectives…and we all have had varying experiences.

With the more recent conversations around biases, awareness is broadening. Thankfully. Even though I might be able to shift my outlook, it’s limited. I’ve learn to accept this. So as I proceed in my interactions, especially with those whose background is a stark difference from mine, I’m all ears, curious, intrigued, eager to appreciate our differences . I open my world to possibilities for noteworthy insights. Connections grow.

For a fun exercise in looking with new eyes, try this puzzle in the image. It reminds me of how with earnest awareness led with an attitude of inquisitiveness, I am grateful for new outlooks. I can also laugh at myself for ever thinking that you think like I do. 

More on perspectives, next time. In the meantime, share this exercise with others and engage in vibrant conversations, listening for diverse points of view.

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Connect with Facebook: @tlcpathways

Instagram: maryse_tlcpathways or LinkedIn: Maryse L Postlewaite

Maryse L Postlewaite

Peace advocate, consultant, educator, mentor

Leading team building, leadership, and conflict resolution workshops to nurture compassionate relationships


Who Really Knows?


Pitfalls of Assumptions