Nature’s Paintbrush

Do colors clash? Not if we look in nature! However, we can expect that personalities may clash. We can transform this friction with some effective alternatives. 

Nature's Paintbrush

First, do know, when dealing with people, it’s to be expected that we get along more easily with some rather than others. Challenging encounters need greater thoughtfulness to reduce the tension. Eventually with implementing considerate approaches, clashes lessen. 

Consider why personality conflicts arise. Our expectations, differences of opinions, values, or some other underlying issue is usually at the root. These are based in our own experiences which are unlike anyone else’s. Getting to know a person better, helps us to understand varying viewpoints. Sometimes, it can provide a perspective which helps us appreciate the person, maybe even changing our opinion of them. Or, we can agree to disagree.

Our negative thoughts only cultivate negative actions and they are usually draining. Expect the best of others, as you hope others expect the best of you. Holding a grudge only exacerbates problems. Learning to accept the person as they are, is challenging; however, it will enhance your relationship.

We can’t control all situations or people, however, we can choose how to respond to them. Being respectful in all situations, despite an internal struggle we may be experiencing, reflects our positive traits, integrity, and character.

It has only been in reflecting on personality clashes which I have experienced and making conscious changes in my approach that has enriched my relationships and enhanced my interactions. Just like nature’s “color clashes”, I’ve learned to appreciate personality clashes. 

As Leo Tolstoy wrote, “Love those who hate you.”

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Maryse L Postlewaite

Peace advocate, consultant, educator, mentor

Leading team building, leadership, and conflict resolution workshops to nurture compassionate relationships


Balance for All


Think Outside the Box